
AMI Research Portal


Welcome to the new Amazon Medicine Institute Research Portal

Have a unique project you would like to pitch?

We are seeking research that expands the field on the meaning of medicine and integrates new perspectives on botanical research in its social, cultural, and historical contexts. We are also interested in exploratory and experimental research modalities that expands the field in brave and compelling ways. In addition to research papers, we welcome imaginative investigations and experimental documentation in many forms including ethnographies and digital narratives, film, photography, music, design, and visual arts.

Call for Submissions 2024: Integrations

We are calling to interdisciplinary researchers to explore new integrations between modern medicine and traditional medicine, psychology, the social sciences, and culture and its relationship to well-being and resilience in the post-pandemic era. Learn more Here.

Submit Your Work

Please contact us with abstract or description of your project. If accepted, it will be featured on our website and shared with the community.