
Amazon Medicine Field School Symposium

Do you want to learn the latest advancements in Amazon Medicine?

Included in our Amazon Medicine Field School is an exciting one-day symposium at UNÍA, the National Intercultural University of the Amazon. Learn from local experts the latest research on the potential of Amazonian remedies to get to the source of many illnesses and support enduring wellness and resilience.

Amazon Medicine School

The Symposium

CFP 2024: Integrations

We are calling to interdisciplinary researchers to explore new integrations between modern medicine and traditional medicine, psychology, the social sciences, and culture in the meaning of medicine, and its relationship to well-being and resilience in the “post-pandemic” era. Presentations include research papers, audiovisual projects, and works of ethnography and art.

Topics Included (but are not limited to):

Ethnopharmacology and the treatment and prevention of disease, particularly of viruses and the support for the immune system.

Anthropological, Social, and Cultural Perspectives on Healing, Well-Being, and Resilience in the Amazon.

Indigenous Cosmologies and view of Health and Healing.

Psychology and the use of Amazon Plant Medicines (including treatment of PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, and other Nervous Disorders)

Botanical Research and Amazon Medicine

Permaculture, Agroforestry, and Ecological Methods of Cultivation and Harvesting

Amazon Medicine, Creativity, and the Arts.

Decolonizing Amazon Medicine and Culture

Medical Tourism in the Amazon

Social practices, law, advocacy, human rights and environmental justice in the Amazon

Archaeology and Historical Research of Amazon Medicine.

Virtual Presentations

We are broadcasting our symposium presentations live on the day of the Symposium in Pucallpa. If you are interested, you may wish to make a virtual presentation. Submit your abstracts and resumes to present online by email by December 30th 2023 with the subject “Symposium.”

Field School and Mentorship Opportunities

Are you an instructor looking for an opportunity to visit with your class or a student looking for a mentorship opportunity and to research your topic or thesis?

The Amazon Medicine Institute hosts research trips and field schools with participating communities and institutions. Contact us for more information.