
Medicinal Plants

There are thousands of medicinal plants in the Amazon jungle and amongst indigenous peoples of this region, the forest has been their pharmacy. One of the means by which medicines have been tested is through the concept of “dieta,” the drinking of botanical extracts while observing social and dietary restrictions. One of the core principles of the Amazon “dieta” is detoxification. It follows that the body possesses the ability to heal itself but it can only do so when it is unencumbered by toxins and stressors. It is for this reason, that one must adhere to a strict dietary regimen immersed in solitude in the rainforest, distanced from the distractions of the modern world.

amazon traditional medicine
A huge array of Amazon traditional plant medicine at Belen Market, Iquitos.

Teacher Plants

Amongst these medicinal plants, there are also Amazonian trees, shrubs, and vines that possess powerful alkaloids and have been traditionally regarded as maestras (Amazon teacher plants).  Plants such as chiric sanango, bobinsana, ajo sacha, and chuchuhuasi are some of the perhaps best known.  Many Amazon medicinal plants are powerful detoxifiers of not only the body but the mind and soul as well.  The psychosomatic healing potential of these plants are well known by Amazonian healers.  It is believed that if the medicine is strong enough, it can rid a person of past “susto” (trauma) and cleanse the mind and soul of malign energies that manifest as physical disease and support the healing process.

There are specific Amazonian plants dedicated to this purpose that can be worked with in the correct ritual context. Some are recognized for teaching, others for building power and energy in the body, others yet for cleansing and releasing.  Insights can come in the form of dreams, visions, and increased perception, and awareness.  To work with these teacher plants, one must enrol in a dedicated programme, drinking the medicine of this plant daily and following the strict regimen of the dieta. In many Amazonian indigenous cosmologies, it is understood that certain powerful medicinal plants have their own genio (spirit /intelligence) and knowledge that can be learned, hailed, and directed for healing purposes. A healer must diet with all the plants to gain the knowledge and power of these plants as part of their apprenticeship. This can take many years.

An encounter with the “shedding” pukalapuna in the Aguas Thermales Reserve. A member of the ceiba family, it is considered “enchanted” and an ally to sorcerers.

Following are a sampling of well known Amazon medicinal plants indexed by their local names (Ucayali, Peru). Some include short descriptions and images.


  • Anacaspi (Apoleya leiocarpa)
  • Ajoskiro (Cordia alliodora)
  • Alcanfor Moena  (Ocotea costulata)
  • Ayahuma (Couroupita guianensis)
  • Bellaco Caspi or “Succoba” (Himantanthus sucuuba)
  • Camalonga (Thevetia Peruviana)
  • Capirona (Calycophyllum Spruceanum)
  • Catahua (Hura crepitans)
  • Chuchuhuasi (Maytenus Krukovil)
  • Chullachakicaspi (Brysonima christianeae)
  • Cumaceiba (Swartzia polyphylla)
  • Huaira Caspi (Cedrelinga catanaeformis)
  • Ishpingo  (Amburana cearensis)
  • Iporuru  (Alchornea castaneifolia)
  • Lupuna (Ceiba)
  • Lapuna colorado or “Pukalapuna”
  • Renaco (Ficus-multiple species)
  • Shihuahuaco (Dipteryx micrantha)

Camalonga (Thevetia Peruviana)

The Camalonga is a plant that must be prepared with great care such that there are dedicated camalongueros who specialize in only its use and treatments. Used incorrectly, it can be deadly. A bright yellow drink is prepared with the seeds of the plant (the male and the female) combined with white onion and aguardiente. In small amounts, it is used as a strong purgative, to heal nervous disorders, and by some centres (Takiwasi) as part of a programme for treating addiction.

Camalonga, also known as “yellow oleander,” contains the lethal chemical strychnine.

Oje (Ficus insipida)

The oje (also known as the wild fig) is a large tree with buttress roots (when mature) but begins its life as a parasitic vine that eventually strangles its host. Interestingly, it also produces a distinct white latex that is tapped and drunk to purge the stomach of parasites.  Oje is a very strong medicine and can be toxic. Special attention must be made to food restrictions when using oje. It is sometimes used as a purgative before working with teacher plants to prepare the body for deeper healing work.

A ladder is positioned on the tall one tree to gather its potent white latex.

Leafy plants, Vines, Shrubs


  • Abuta (Cissampelos pariera)
  • Albahaca (Ocimum)
  • Ajo Sacha (Mansoa Alliacea)
  • Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia)
  • Chacruna (Psychotria Viridis)
  • Chiric Sanango (Brunfelsia grandiflora)
  • Coca (Erythroxylum coca)
  • Guyusa (Ilex guayusa)
  • Hierba Luisa (Cymbopogon citratus)
  • Jergon Sacha (Dracontium spruceanum)

Ajo Sacha (Mansoa Alliacea)

While it is not of the garlic family, the leaves, vine bark, and roots of ajo sacha  have the smell and taste of real garlic due to its powerful sulphur compounds.  Ajo sacha possess an impressive list of supportive functions: blood cleanser, immune booster, and antiviral, it gives power to the body and strengthens the resolve. It has been used traditionally by indigenous hunters to help fortify the will and sharpen the wits. A diet with ajo sacha will also banish negative energies and destroy a run of saladera or bad luck. It is often used as a key ingredient in baños de floricimientos and as an admixture in ayahuasca brews.

ajo sacha
The gorgeous purple blossoms of the Ajo Sacha vine.

Bobinsana (Calliandra Angustifolia)

Bobinsana is a shrubby water loving tree with beautiful feathery flowers while in bloom. While not considered hallucinogenic, it does contain harmala alkaloids that has psychoactive active properties. It is often used as an admixture in Ayahuasca and is on its own regarded as an important teacher plant.  Bobinsana can induce lucid and colourful dreams and is used by some to enhance empathy, compassion, clarity, and concentration. The Shipibo-Conibo people of the Ucayali area of Peru call the tree semein and prepare a bark tincture for rheumatism, arthritis, colds, uterine disorders, and edema (water retention). According to Raintree, it has been used also as a treatment for uterine cancer.

A water loving bobinsana shrub in the botanical gardens surrounding Santuario Huishtín.

Chacruna (Psychotria Viridis)

Chacruna (from Quechua chaqruy – “to mix”) is a plant that is usually combined with the ayahuasca vine to produce the ayahuasca decoction. A relative to the coffee plant (Rubiaceae family), Psychotria Viridis is potent with DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine), an  alkaloid (99%) that contributes to the visionary effects of the medicine.

Chiric Sanango (Brunfelsia Grandiflora)

Also known as manaca and kissmequick, chiric sanango is a pretty flowering shrub of the nightshade family, that has been used to treat fever, rheumatism, syphilis, and arthritis in traditional medicine as well as several forms of parasitic infections.  One of its main compounds is scopoletin,  phytochemical that has shown analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antitumor, cancer-preventive, antifungal, and antispasmodic activity in  laboratory experiments. The word “chiric” in Quechua signifies “itchy” or “tickling”, which refers to the sensation of the brew being swallowed.   It has been said to be “heart opening” in its effects from dieting with the plant as well as producing dizziness, disorientation, extreme chills, weakness or fatigue, and releasing of repressed emotions.


The chiric sanango is known for its “heart opening” potential.

Mucura (Petiveria Alliacea)

Also known commonly “Anamu,”  mucura is a medicine and teacher plant that like Ajo Sacha, possesses strong sulphur compounds and is known for its garlicky smell. The plant, while possessing a broad spectrum of actions from anti-inflammatory to antibacterial and antiviral to antidepressant and anti-anxiety medicine, can also help one to overcome social anxiety and develop a stronger and more integrated sense of self. Curanderos often add mucura to baños de floricimientos to purge negative energies before ceremony and to cleanse the stomach. Research is currently ongoing into mucura’s potential anticancer potential.

Mucura and Ajo Sacha (shown to the right) are often prepared as cold extractions from the scrapings of their roots.
  • Malva (Malva sylvestris)
  • Matico or “Cordoncillo” (Piper aduncum)
  • Maricahua (Teliostachya lanceolata)
  • Motelo Sanango (Abuta Grandifolia)
  • Piñon Blanco (Jatropha curcas)
  • Piñon Colorado (Jatropha gossypifolia)
  • Sacha Mango (Grias peruviana)
  • Sangre de Grado (Croton Lechleri)
  • Suelda con Suelda (Symphytum officinale)
  • Tobacco “Mapacho” (Nicotiana rustica)
  • Yahuar Piripiri  (Eleutherine bulbosa)
  • Uchu Sanango (Tabernaemontana Sananho)

Toe (Brugmansia suaveolens)

The beautiful trumpet like flowers of toe (formerly known as datura suaveolens) earn its more commonly known name “angel’s trumpet.” Planted widely throughout the globe ornamentally, toe is a powerful hallucinogen, possessing scopalamine, hyoscyamine, atripine alkaloids. Effects of ingestion can include muscle paralysis, confusion, racing heart (tachycardia), dry mouth, diarrhea, and death. The plant is perhaps one of the strongest and most dangerous teacher plants and should not be used experimentally.  Considered a “true hallucinogen,” the effects of toe can produce visual and auditory hallucinations to the level of realism that a person can not differentiate between the hallucination and reality. The plant, particularly, its seeds and leaves, are fatally toxic.

 The Toé is beautiful but dangerous plant that must be handled with care.


Uña de Gato “Cat’s Claw” (Uncaria Tormentosa)

Uña de Gato is another Amazon plant that closely follows the doctrine of signatures, a very old theory that the physical characteristics of plants (including shape, colour, texture, and smell) reveal their therapeutic value. It can easily be recognized by its curly thorns that bear a resemblance to a cat’s claw. It is reputed to be a powerful immune system booster and is effective in treating a wide array of maladies including  systemic candidiasis, and herpes. Sacred to the Inca, the inner bark of this vine has been used for thousands of years to treat colds, viral infections,  wounds, and skin disorders, arthritis, and lower blood pressure.  It can also cleanse the entire digestive track and can be used to treat gastric ulcers. Finally, uña de gato can reputedly restore damaged DNA and recent studies have shown its remarkable affect to repair damaged cells after chemotherapy as well as a potential treatment for some cancers.  From a shamanic perspective, uña de gato infuses the whole body and mind with the “strength of a jaguar,” healing imbalances of spirit and physical body.

una de gato
                                 The clawed vine of the Uña de Gato.

Renaquilla (Clausea Rosea)

Along with the blood circulation system, renaquilla also assists with any situations relating to the reproductive and genital system and is often prescribed for women as a strengthener. Preparations are made from the bark.  It also reportedly heals fractures, contusions, prolapses, hernias, and is considered an anti-inflammatory. Often found entwined around another host tree, it is thought to assist in the reparation of relationships.  


Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi)

Also known as soga de alma, huasca, yagé, daime, the ayahuasca vine is a chief constituent in the ayahuasca tea, a powerful psychoactive medicine that is used in a ceremonial context.  A slow-cooked decoction, the ayahuasca tea is composed of two main plants: the leaves of the chacruna (psychotria viridis) and woody vine of the ayahuasca (banisteriopsis caapi). Other plants, (admixtures) may be added to enhance and fortify the medicine with additional qualities. Many species of ayahuasca may be used in the brew but the most common is “cielo” ayahuasca or ayahuasca amarilla (yellow).   The ayahuasca vine is rich in harmala alkaloids that contribute to the psychoactivity of the medicine and possess (MAIOs) that inhibit the digestion of the DMT (N-dimethyltryptamine)- bearing chacruna plant. This synergistic tea allows for potentially spectacular psychosomatic effects: aural, tactile, and strong visionary experiences that expand consciousness in various ways. It is believed the medicine can reveal hidden realms and possibly past lives through visions, connecting one with spirits and past relatives, and catalyzing deep healings in multiple levels of mind, body, and soul. Physical purging is an integral part of ayahuasca healing as the body, mind, and spirit cleanse itself of harmful energies and toxins. The way ayahuasca works on the mind is too complicated to go into here but many believe it can shape the neurological field of the brain, allowing for those suffering from addictions, depression, anxiety, and other conditions to get a foothold in recovery.

To prepare, the ayahuasca vine is first cut into short lengths, mashed and layered with chacruna leaves and then simmered over hours in an specially designated cooking pot until the water has evaporated, producing a thick bitter brown tea with an unforgettable taste. Preparation of ayahuasca must be performed by an experienced ayahuasquero who is also observing the dieta as the subtle brew can be affected by the energies that surround it in its preparation.

Amazon Medicine Institute Workshops

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ayahuasca workshop
Master Ayahuasquero Belasario demonstrates how to prepare the ayahuasca root in a workshop at Santuario Huishtín.       

** Disclaimer:   Working with Amazonian plants in the treatment of disease often involves a strict dietary regimen and prescribed course of treatment of plant medicines that can extend for months or even years in some cases. They also must be considered “experimental” as they have not been tested by Western science. Many can also be poisonous if not used correctly. Long term use of certain plants can also harm the liver and kidneys, and other organs of the body. If you wish to pursue this option for treatment, please be sure you are properly informed and have informed your doctor. Your health and well being is your responsibility.


Beyer,  Stephan V. Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon UNM Press, 2010.

Duke, James A. Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America. CRC Press, 2008.

Hofmann, A., Ratsch, C., Schultes, R., Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers. Rochester: Healing Arts Press, 1992.

Raintree Tropical Plant Database  http://www.rain-tree.com

Ratsch, Christian, The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and its Applications. Rochester: Park Street Press, 1998.

Voogelbreinder, Snu, Garden of Eden: The Shamanic Use of Psychoactive Flora and Fauna, and the Study of Consciousness. Snu Voogelbreinder, 2009.