
Amazon Medicine Workshop

Ayahuasca workshop
Maestro Santiago Enrrique shares a specimen of ayahuasca vine with guests.

In the rainforest of Peru, there are many traditions of Amazon Traditional Medicine that include different protocols and methods of preparation. Local names of plants can change from place to place, community to community, as can the ways and means by which they are applied. Communities make the best of the plants that are available  throughout the year in the forest. Medicines may be prepared with different parts of a single plant for a variety of purposes: for healing, detoxification, protection, and knowledge.

bano floricimiento
Maestro Santiago Enrrique prepares a baño floricimiento (floral bath) with fragrant rainforest plants to be used for protection before an ayahuasca ceremony.

Santuario Huishtín Gardens

Santiago Enrrique Paredes Melendez has a vast knowledge of Amazon medicinal plants, particularly the abundance of plants and trees that grow around Santuario Huishtín and the Aguas Thermales Reserve. He has cultivated many unique species of medicinal plants in his botanical gardens around the centre that he uses in his preparations such as sangre de grado, uña de gato, mucura, ajo sacha, and many others.

ayahuasca workshop
Preparing the ayahuasca brew is a long process that begins first by crushing the woody vines with a mallet.

On your workshop, tour the gardens of Santuario Huishtin and learn to identify and sustainably harvest many important medicinal and “teacher” plants. Learn methods of preparation such as cold extraction, maceration, and the making of elixirs. Discover the magical tradition of Amazon plant medicine in the Vegetalista apprenticeship and “dieta” and the intensive process involved in the making of ayahuasca.

Learn more about Vegetalismo:
