
Volunteer at Madre Selva

Founder and director of Madre Selva, Lily La Torre, with her nephew in her gardens at Madre Selva.

Looking for an Exciting Volunteer-Learning Experience?

For as little as Five Dollars a Day, you can experience real hands-on learning, have a fantastic time in Amazon Perú, and make a positive difference at the same time.

Madre Selva (Mother Rainforest) is a charity and ecological farm and cacao plantation looking for inspired volunteers who want to learn about environmental farming methods, explore Amazon medicine, and contribute to ongoing social initiatives in food security and education with local communities. Madre Selva has vacancies for a number of different roles. Volunteers must commit to a period from one month to six months in duration. All our volunteerships and internships offer rewarding and safe opportunities to learn valuable skills, experience authentic local culture, and make a difference.

Learn more about Madre Selva here.

*Volunteers must have an Intermediate Level of Spanish.


 Volunteers will contribute five hours a day (8am – 1pm) Mondays to Saturday in the following programmes:


– Cultivation and harvest of cacao
– Cultivation and harvesting of fruits 
– Monitoring of the hives and harvesting of honey
– Caring for the animals (including milking)
– Assistance in the production of organic fertilizers
– Care of the gardens
– Assistance in the production of organic chocolate
– Assistance in the preparation of healthy meals

Education and Administration

Assistance in medicinal plant workshops  

– Assistance in environmental education 
– Assistance in organic farming workshops 
– English classes for children and youth
– English translation/guiding for visitors
– Maintenance of the website and social networks 
– English translation, fundraising, and grant writing 


Construction and Maintenance

– Maintenance of trails and signage 
– Assistance in the construction of an adobe house
– Construction of a observation point for birds 
– General farm maintenance 
– Basic carpentry activities and repair 

Practice Your Spanish!

This is a perfect opportunity to practice language skills in an immersive environment. If you don’t have basic Spanish, we can also offer virtual classes for an extra fee before arriving and you can continue improving while you’re here with a local teacher. You need basic Spanish with this program.

Food and Lodging

Accommodation is included during stay and two meals per day (breakfast and lunch). Volunteers will be expected to prepare their own evening meals and follow house rules. 


20 Peruvian soles a day + 115 USD Registration.

Weekend Excursions

Saturday afternoon and all Sunday, volunteers are free to take field trips to visit Pucallpa and neighbouring communities.

The "Lapuna Blanca," the tallest tree in the rainforest, dominates the skyline over Pucallpa.


Volunteers must be 18 yrs, have intermediate Spanish, and health insurance.
*Spanish Classes Available*